

Useful tips to share.



Money Talks.... January 1

Happy New Year!  Welcome to our new blog segment called, Money Talks….  Here we will dig in deeper to issues, procedures, products anything around money.  At the end of the day, it’s about protecting your family and keeping every dollar you can in your pocket.

Did you know that having a healthy weight and lifestyle can save you money on both health and life insurance?  Plus, less time you will spend at the doctors or having all kinds of test performed.  Those that are on Medicare and purchase a supplement can get the best price possible when they are able to go through the health questions.  When you are healthy you can get the best rating and price for life insurance.    Your rating can carry you for a lifetime.

The beginning of the year is also a great time to do a review of the policies you have enforce especially if it has been a while since your last review.  Have you had a major life event such as marriage, divorce, death, had a baby, adoption, or moved?  When a review is conducted, we look at several things such as: address, date of birth, owner, insured and beneficiaries.   The last thing we do when conducting a review is to order a enforce illustration for Universal Life or Whole Life policies.  This illustration shows us that based on premium you are currently paying, how long the policy will last before you must increase premium or it goes away completely leaving you without insurance.   We like to be proactive and make adjustments while you are still healthy.

If you would like to schedule a review you can contact us through the link on this site.  We are licensed in Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Louisiana and Florida.  You can subscribe to get notification of our next issue by clicking on the subscribe now button on the website.


Until next time!



Diane Newell